Web Development

Code: OB19

Description: Internet Programming: program communication, sockets, RCP, RMI, CORBA, client-server models and 3-tier architectures.
Technologies for internet services, models for internet services design (data model, hypertext, content management model). HTML/HTTP: operation of HTTP protocol, HTML programming language.
Internet services design (development, requirements analysis, data and hypertext design). Implementation of internet services (architecture design, database design, interface design). Development tools and evaluation methods. PHP programming language and connection with MySQL.

Objectives: The course aims at providing basic knowledge regarding the architecture, communication and programming of applications in a network environment. Laboratory hand-on experience familiarizes students with network programming in Java and Web programming using PHP.

Teaching Methods: The course includes theoretical lectures and laboratory hand-on teaching. Furthermore, support through the e-class platform is also provided.

Recommended Reading:
1. J. Kavouras, J. Milis, G. Xilomenos. “Distributed Systems with Java”, Klidarithmos. 2009. (in Greek)
2. A. Tanenbaum, “Distributed Operating Systems”, Prentice Hall, 1995.
3. An Introduction to Network Programming with Java (electronic book)
4. Additional teaching material is also provided through eclass platform (“Network Programming” Electronic Course)

Prerequisites: -

Website: athttp://eclass.hua.gr/