In partnership with the Greek General Secretariat against Corruption (GSAC), the Harokopion University and the Greek Open Technologies Alliance (GFOSS), the OECD will organise a Hackathon on Public Integrity in which students, academia, start-ups, software developers, and other participants interested in making an impact in society in the area of anti-corruption, will engage in collaborative computer programming.
The main objectives of the hackathon are :
- Create an innovation-driven space to conceptualise and develop solutions to engage citizens to actively prevent and fight corruption in the public sector.
- Develop prototype mobile and information-system-based applications and technological solutions to share actionable anti-corruption information with a variety of stakeholders, sectors and end-users.
- Connect technology with citizens to help them prevent and speak up about corruption.
- Leverage existing information, networks and human capacity to seed innovation.
- Communicate existing information in an innovative and easy-to-understand manner to catalyse action and empower end-users.
The winners will have the option to engage in a service contract agreement to develop their ideas into a fully functioning tool ready to be used by the public.